Just published with Dream Boy Book Club :8 thank u <3
I swallowed my nails and now they’re fucking all the PFAS that swim in my blood,
good. My smoothie will fix that. My spit is organic, my water’s made of plastic,
but I filter it. I filter it.
A post said all peanuts are mold and I’m licking my eczema, depressed, pressed into
my couch, my screen, my body, I love my body. I’m obsessed with my body. It’s so cool in there but I wish it could talk to me with words instead of cracking my skin to bleed from pin-sized bumps that ooze when I stick my thumbnail at them, please. I love my body.
Every function functioning on its own and together and the operation is all over the
place, right? Like there’s not one control station but maybe it’s the heart or the stomach or the brain but it actually feels like it’s the in-between that’s running the show.
That space between the nerves, the cells, the blood. Between it all, the thing inside the thing itself. ESSENCE BABY!
I crave the little hits of it,
crave to spread it on my skin,
inhale it, soak in it.
I used to chew on bottle caps.
I wonder when we’ll meet.
Plastic veins
Might drink the dried contacts
I collected for years,
chop the lenses to bits,
slurp the slushie,
Digest all I saw,
make plastic my veins.
Is that what you want?
Did we have a great run?
There’s nothing I won’t try
for a little dopamine.
LINK::::: https://www.dreamboybook.club/alex-here
the snapple bottle cap is yummy!